Monday, July 24, 2006

A No Win Situation...

We still do not know when we will be in China for sure, but today we got a message that said they hope to have us there around August 17th. We would get Sage on the 20th. Her 9 month birthday! This could change by a week later. So here is our dilema. The entire time we had planned to take Makenna with us. She wants to go, is EXCITED to go. And part of us wants her to go. What a trip of a lifetime! However, missing your first week of 3rd grade, possibly your first 2 weeks, seems like a big deal. And she is torn over this also. She loves school, misses her friends, misses the routine. So we have been leaning towards maybe she should stay home. It would be alot easier trip on us if she did not go in many ways. I think she would do pretty well overall, but there are going to be times when she won't. There are going to be times that I won't do well! I am literally sick over this. I wish she could go for part of it, and fly home early. I just feel like I can't win. If we take her, she misses that much school. If we don't take her, will I feel guilty over it the rest of my life? So please pray for us as we struggle over this decision. We have to make it NOW!


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Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!