Sage has been showing "signs" of being ready to potty train for awhile. But I just put her off, because, well, sometimes diapers really ARE easier. But then she STOPPED showing signs of being ready, and I got in panic mode thinking I REALLY would like to have her potty trained by the time we go to China. So I took advice from one of my mommy friends who had her BOY trained right at 2 years old in 3 days and decided we are doing this. I am not buying any more diapers. Done. We need that $! So for 3 days we have been pretty well running around the house w/ nothing on, which is her favorite way to be anyways! And I have to say, she is doing GREAT! The first day we had a few accidents, yesterday just one and today she ran to the potty with out being asked if she needed to go! So we will see how the rest of the weekend goes. She is pretty funny, of course. She refuses to use a potty chair or even a ring on the big seat. She refuses to let you help her onto the potty or off of the potty. It is quite the act watching this tiny 2 year old hop up on that big ole toilet! And then balace herself on it.
It IS actually a little sad though. I will NEVER have another baby wearing diapers? Hmmm, maybe #6 should be a baby... JUST KIDDING MARK!
** I will update on the I171, the rest of the process, when we hope we are going to china(september?), etc... We are still over the moon w/ excitment that it is HERE and our paperwork is almost THERE! It should go to china next week! Right now I am crazy nesting and potty training and dreaming of MAVERY!
I want to see the nesting! I know, it's a bit looney, but I love seeing suit cases being organized and little beds being put together for the new little ones. :0)
LID 5/19/06
That picture is priceless!! :)
Jennifer N.
That does not look like a very comfortable way to go potty! :) Lauren has shown signs since October and like you I would like to get this over before China. I have never heard of letting them run around with nothing on. If it works in 3 days I might have to give it a try. I can't wait until you are DTC...that is so awesome!!!
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