In 33 years, while I have had many adventures, I have had a very blessed life. In the first 3 years of my life, I was born into a loving family, and stayed in that family.
My 4th daughter is just 3 years old. And in her 3 years she has been through more than most people could even imagine.
- She was born to a mother in China.
- She lived for 6 weeks, I assume in this mothers arms.
- At just 6 weeks old, she was put on a train, alone.
- She was taken to an orphanage and given a new "family", meaning the orphanage kids.
- She was discovered to have a major heart condition.
- She went through open heart surgery.
- Her orphanage changed locations.
- She was "posed" for pictures, something she had probably never done before, while hearing that these photos might bring a mama to her.
- She saw white people for the first time showing up at her "home" and taking away her friends.
She began to receive mail and pictures from someone saying they were her mama.
- She met this crazy lady who took her from all she had known.
- She spent 2 weeks trying to figure out why these people were in China with her, then spent 14 hours stuck on a plane with them leaving behind everything she was familiar with.
- She has gone to more doctors since being in the US than in her lifetime.
- She has had her blood drawn, been poked and studied.
- She has been given something to drink that made her sleep and woke up in extreme pain from more surgery.
- She has had her chest broke open 3 times.
And still she smiles. In 3 months
- She learned to trust and let me love her.
- She learned to love me back.
- She is learning what a family really is.
- She has gone to doctors and had tests done and looked into my eyes to see if it is going to be ok.
- She has trusted me when I have forced her to let someone look at her chest.
- She has trusted me when I have taken her to a hospital, 4 different times now.
- She looks for comfort in my arms.
- She wants to talk to Jesus every day and says "thank you Jesus for (and names each of us) and knows to ask Him to heal her heart.
Mavery Raye JinCong, so many things for one little person to endure. But God has given her a fighting spirit and I know He has BIG plans for her. I am in awe of Him and all He has done.
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