Enjoying some goodies sent from Daddy's work!
A build a bear pillow from the hospital. Build a Bear has teamed up with the Cardiac ICU to provide these sweet bears. Along with a $25 gift card from the store. Very sweet! (notice the tape leftovers all over her face, finally got that off today!)
I can't find my small camera I had with us this weekend, so I am still working on the post from coming home yesterday. She is doing really well though. I had visions of her being so wild and crazy and I guess what the doctor said is true. Kids know their limitations. She is happiest just to sit and snuggle, which is good with me! The rest of the kids went to my parents house last night and for the day today. Which was good. I feel as if I have to follow her around and that is hard to do with all the other kids here. Plus, tonight when they were all here, I turned around and she was standing on the couch. So, school tomorrow will be a good thing. That and Sage has a "date" with Shannon! I am so on edge that I can really only handle Mavery right now.
We changed the dressing tonight on where the drainage tube was and I had not seen that yet. It is just an open hole, no stitch. Besides about making me sick to my stomach, it just does not look right. It is not bleeding, but open. So, if you are in the medical field and are comfortable to look at a picture of it, I would like an opinion on it. I will call the doctor tomorrow to just ask about it.
We slept well last night. She did cry out alot, but just wanted to be reassured I think. She has just been through so much, I feel so bad for her. Thank you for continued prayer for all of us.
It is sooo good to see Mavery smiling and to know that she is home. Continuing to pray for all of your family (Mark's brother included) and Mavery's speedy recovery.
Much love--Leigh
She looks amazing! So happy she is doing so well!
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