Malaine Shaye, my 3rd child, my 2nd daughter, the last baby I gave birth to. Also known as Lainey. By far the easiest person in this house to get along with. For the most part. We always say "When she is good, she is very very good, when she is mad, WATCH OUT!". I tend to worry about her the most I think, falling right in the middle. 2 older siblings, 2 younger "twin" sisters. But she just has this personality that you can't help but adore her. And I think in alot of ways she will always be my baby. She was the only child that we did not "plan" and what a sweet surprise she was! I wanted another baby and I wanted Makenna to have a sister SO badly. God gave me both in this blond hair blue eyed beauty!
Malaine is a wonderful sister. She is so sweet to the little girls and always walks in from school excited to see them. She adores Makenna and looks up to her. She and Sawyer are the closest and are the best of friends.
She is so huggy and I love that she still wants to climb in my lap and cuddle. She is so tiny and cutesy and just sweet.
She is always the first to volunteer to help and no matter what I ask her to do, she will do it with out an argument. I have to watch that I do not take advantage of this with her because I know I can get her help with anything and it is such a welcome thing when you know most everyone else in the house will yell!
Malaine is doing wonderful in school and she is so proud of being able to read now! (And I am breathing a big old sigh of relief that she is reading now!) She is quick to remind me every day that though she loves school, she still misses me!
Our little Lainey, we are so thankful for you and love you more than words can say!
You are exactly right about her personality - you just can't help but all in love with her!
Aunt Debbie
Malaine~ you are such a beautiful little girl and I love you SOOOO much!!! You will FOREVER be my birthday baby!! I love you to the moon!!!
She is such a sweetie!
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