Today, July 20th, our Sage is 8 months old. How I long to be with her to celebrate another month in her little life. To take a picture to celebrate this birthday. To record all the things she is doing. To snuggle with her and kiss those chunky cheeks! Please pray for us that we will be with her before she turns 9 months old. In honor of Sage, we went back to the mall of course! For lunch I ate chinese, the kids don't go for that. And we went back to Build a Bear. On Monday we made our first animal, and the plan was that was that. The kids had made a bear for Malaine while they waited for her to be born, so of course they wanted to do one for Sage, but not the same bear as they did for Malaine. The kids chose the BIG bunny. And they had fun stuffing it, fluffing it, and we all kissed a heart and made a wish for Sage and stuffed it into the Bunny. They chose the red white and blue outfit for the bunny to wear. And they named the bunny Faith. Before we even started the adoption God placed Hebrews 11:1 on my heart and I have repeated that verse over and over through this neverending wait. "Now FAITH is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see". When Mark seemed so against me in the beginning, I had Faith that God had spoke adoption to me for a reason and that He would speak to Mark. When the wait went on and on, it took ALOT of Faith to hold on and trust in Our Father, but I was certain of what I hoped for and I trusted that God would give me what He promised. So we all agreed that Faith seemed the perfect name for our bunny, who was waiting for the little gift we still have yet to see! After getting Faith done and the more I thought about it, i wished I had insisted the kids chose a smaller animal, so that Sage could actually hold it and not be scared of its size! So today, to celebrate Sage's 8 month birthday, we went back. And stuffed the velvet little bear. And had just as much fun(ok to be honest, build a bear is NUTS and 3 kids fighting over who does what, only slightly fun!) but we now have a small bear that is very kid friendly and who is named Qiao Qiao. Which we are guessing is what they are calling Sage in China. We plan to take this little bear w/ us to China and we are planning on playing w/ her, sleeping w/ so that she will be a part of us to give to Sage.
Please pray for our Sage. That she is healthy and being loved on. Please pray we get our travel approval quickly. While we have enjoyed our week, we are all anxious to get home and start working on our packing for China. And last please pray for her birth mother & father. I can't help but wonder, as my heart cries for missing her so much this day, does her birthmother hurt to? We both have sad hearts over this little girl that we can't hold. My day is coming though, and she will be in my arms. Her birth mother will never get that.
Happy Birthday Sweet Sage.
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