Not fun. Not fun one little bit. It seemed like such a good idea. To paint this set to give it a more modern look. Or to cover up the fact that the children have ruined it from using it as the school table. Take your pick. As I have mentioned before, I am hooked on decorating blogs at the moment. And they are so inspiring. Just take a little paint to some furniture and you have a brand new room! Easy as that. Yeah right! We bought this set about 12 years ago and it took us F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to find something we liked. So we did not want to get rid of it, just help it out a little. Thankful to my husband for doing so much of the work with me. We are still finding lots of spots that we missed. (as you can tell in the pictures, no need to point them out to me) but I do like it. I think it blends in well with the rest of the house. Now what to do with that cabinet. I am NOT painting the whole thing. I refuse. Yes it would probably look beautiful, but those chairs were so much work, I can't even imagine how long it would take. But I am willing to paint parts of it. And I am planning to change the brass on it to silver. Any ideas?
**I realize that the table is off center under the light, the room is a mess(but not covered in laundry as usual!) and I need a new centerpiece, but hey, doesn't the table look good?!
The table does look good. I can tell that it took a lot of work. Kudos to you for doing it.
Missing you
Love it!
Great job girl!!!
you are an inspiration - I haven't done any decorating for years! (except moving bedroom furniture around to be occupied by more kids. :)
You know the drill!
Jodi Sue :)
Looks AWESOME!!! I love it. It really does look a lot better with the rest of your decor..Great Job!!
Whew! I get tired just thinking of all the drips and runs you had to deal with on those chairs! It looks fabulous!
Love the new table look. Finally catching up on blogs it has been very busy for us.
LOVE it! I LOVE to decorate and move furnature, its the ONLY way to really clean!! Nice work!
I like the black and even if you don't want too, PAINT THE CABINET!!! There, just cause I love you!
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