Friday, July 17, 2009

VBS 2009

Mavery & Sage singing on stage, they were a riot. I just kept hoping they did not get into a fist fight, like they did that morning at gymnastics.

Sage LOVES the stage, and Mavery did amazingly well up there to. We might be in trouble with our little performers.

Cute Decorations done by my mom!

Malaine on her train

Sawyer 2nd row, middle

Makenna, obviously knowing I am taking her picture.

We had a fun time this week at Vacation Bible School, Boomerang Express. Once again I helped out in snacks, which I enjoy. Though being around all that yummy food was not easy when trying to just say no. Laura, our snack leader, does the good stuff. Chocolate dipped pretzels as a didgeridoo. Oatmeal creme pies made into a kookaburras. Hot dog buns made into boomerang pizzas, yum! The kids all loved it and as you can see in the pictures, enjoyed performing last night.

1 comment:

Mel said...

My kids were in VBS last week, too - Boomerang Express, too! Fun!! It's interesting to see the different takes on it though. I don't think they had trains at all. haha! Fun all the same!