I copied this off of another blog, lets give it a try...
Sage: "Mommy, my family and friends must not love me as much as Ellies family does."
Me: Sage why would you say that, of course everyone loves you.
Sage: " Well then why does Ellie have 200 wishes on her 100 good wishes quilt and i only have 50?"
So, there you have it, is that enough guilt for you yet?? ;) I do have dreams of getting this quilt made, by someone else of course. But in order to do that, I HAVE to have at least 100 squares, and I am still not there yet! I realize you have only had 18 MONTHS to work on your quilt squares and wishes, and for some, that might not be enough time, but we all now know, She is a SHE and SHE is coming home in just a few more weeks!!! So....If you have no idea what I am talking about, please visit our website and read all the directions for the quilt at www.laxtonkids.com. If you need our address, just email me at laxton@htc.net
Unfortunatley right now, there is no way I can exchange squares if you are looking to swap, sorry!
So, when Sage is older and looking through her special book of wishes, will you be in there? ;)
1 comment:
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »
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