Friday, September 14, 2007

Malaine Starts School!

Malaine is offically a preschooler now! She attends 3 mornings a week and so far is loving it. Our pastors wife is her teacher and she loves Ms Sheila. She is also thrilled because she gets to see her cousin Jaylyn at school. (pictured above) Along w/ the fact that her grandma works there and so she drives her part of the time. Life is good for Ms Malaine Shaye!
To come I promise: Celebrating all 4 kids birthday--Meeting Ms Lilly who is home from China!--Are we surviving homeschooling--A day in the life of a spicy girl-- AND I am heading to Orlando for 5 DAYS for the MOPS convention. Moms only. Mark is going to be working, teaching, parenting, cooking, surviving w/ 4! Will post pictures!

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