Monday, December 04, 2006

One Year CheckUp

If you did not see the post on prayer for Myer, please scroll down to my next post...
Sage had her one year dr visit today. The doctor is not her friend! Everytime she goes in there she gets a shot or her ears dug in! Today being no exception. Our baby girl is growing! She is now weighing in at 19 pounds 4 oz, which puts her in the 20th % for weight on American charts. She is 28 inches long, putting her again in the 20th-25th% for height. She is actually bigger than Malaine was at this age! The great news is, she is developmentally right on target now for a 12 month old baby! The doctor was very excited with her progress, as are we! She can now start switching to whole milk, which really makes Mark happy. This is our first experience w/ formula, it is expensive! She did have 4 shots, which is always horrible. And they were having a hard time getting a good look in her ears, had to dig out lots of wax, not fun. She said 2 more teeth are about to come in, which is probably the cause of her never ending runny nose. Overall a good vist and our Sage is a healthy girl! By the way, she can finally wear her first squeaky shoes, aren't they cute? She thinks they are so funny!

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