Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Sweet New Face

While we waited for Sage, I joined a Yahoo group of families all around the world who shared a Log in Date near us. All different agencies, all different reason, but all on the same road to China as we were. Waiting together. They had a secret pal program you could join, and you would get randomly matched up w/ another waiting family and then you could secretly send them encouragement. They sent me the name of who I would send to, and her name was Kathy. She lived only 2 hours from me. At first I had hoped for a family in Australia, or somewhere cool! But instead I was matched w/ someone almost near home! But wow, what a blessing that match turned out to be for me! Kathy is AMAZING! When we were matched, she was in the process of going to China for her 5th child, her 3rd from China. She went to China for Kenzie long before I left for Sage. While I waited, she cheered me on, encouraged me and was just a sweet reminder every day of why the wait would be worth it. She has the biggest heart and I really just love her!
As you can see, her family is growing again! She is in china now getting their new baby, the final promise that God has for her. A beautiful baby girl, who is very close to Sage's age. Ms Annah Blu. But poor Annah is a very Blu little girl! She was in foster care and is grieving very hard. Kathy has said she stands by the door and just cries to go. I have been heartbroken just reading her post's. So, if you would, please pray for them. That Annah would allow them to just love her, hold her, touch her. That Kathy and her husband would have peace. And pray for their kids back home. It is one thing to leave 3 children behind, 5 is a different story! Kathy knows, she has been to China 3 times before, that this is natural. But for mommy's who wait for months and months to hold those babies, it is hard to be patient.
Ms Annah Blu, your forever family now has you!


Mom 2 six said...

Prayers said !

Anonymous said...

Poor baby girl!!!
I will pray that she finds peace
and allow hweself to be happy and content soon.
She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I will pray for them.

Do they have a site you could share with us?
