We went out to dinner w/ about 50 of our family and friends. We are still in shock! WE HAVE A BABY GIRL!!! God is so good!
The drive to the agency was LONG! We had to go through the city and pick Sawyer up from school. Traffic slowed us down and so we were running late. Who is late for referral?? We went in and the whole china team was there waiting for us. They said ITS A GIRL! and showed us the packet. I took one look at that face, and I knew. This was my baby. The one I have prayed for, cried for, longed for and waited for, for over a year now. She is so young, which we have prayed for on our knees. We did not want to miss ANY of her life, and she is about as young as they would possibly adopt out from China.
Some neat things to us that confirm she is OURS! For my 30th birthday, well over a year ago, Mark bought me a mothers ring. It had stones in it that we removed to add in Makenna and Malaine's birthstone. In the last place which was for Sage it had a November birthstone. They told me at the jewler that they could replace that once we knew when our baby had been born. so for over a year, i have worn around Sage's birthstone!! And the other neat thing to me is that her birthday is November 20th. Our LID to china was 6/20. So every month on that day, I prayed extra hard, and really had a burden for our baby. Well, she was born on November 20th! So the number that has been in my head now for over a year, is her birthdate!
We hope to travel to China in about 7 weeks. So she will be just about 9 months old. And according to the chinese growth chart, she is TINY!! Barely in the 10th %! But from these pictures, she looks very well fed and healthy! Please continue to pray for Sage. That she is being loved on, and WELL cared for till we can bring her home.
I just linked you to our site. I truly believe that the girls we get are precious additions. Congrats again. Our red-thread was a dream that guided us to get our daughter and I leave in 3 days to complete our journey.
how precious...congratulations!
I kept at the site all day...as I prayed for you and your family. Finally after eating Chinese and thinking of you and the joy you must be feeling I was able to come home and see Sage! Today's post...even better! GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!
Bless you all as you wait just a little longer!
Jenn in MO
congrats!!!!!! what a beautiful baby and a beautiful story.
Congratulations on your new daughter!
She is beautiful, congrats!!
Shannon, Sage is gorgeous! And yes I can't wait to squeeze those cheeks!! God's blessings to her as she awaits her Mommy and Daddy!
Kelly Roethlisberger
Congratulations, good luck on your new journey. Todd
Congrats to you - our little Chloe is also from the Hunan province and we brought her home a year ago in April - God is so Good!!! I am so excited for you - it will change your life and be so rewarding - she is a cutie!!
Mark, Shannon and family, this is wonderful news! We are so happy for you and for all the wonderful changes coming your way very soon!
Congrats Laxton family!!!! I think she even looks like you guys a bit - just beautiful! We knew she would have a special link ( her birthday) to you. God gives us so much joy and surprises too!
Tullis fam
Congratulations!!!! She is prescious!
Congratulations Laxton family! She is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait for you to bring her home and see how God will bless your family!
Megan G.
Congratulations. Sage is adorable and looks beautiful in red as do you, Lucky Mommy.
Mom to Sydney Shu (Inner Mongolia)
Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful! Prayers and best wishes for your trip!
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