Update 3/31-
We are working on a blog for Andrew, look for a link soon. He is in surgery now, she said it could be from 5-14 HOURS long. They began at 8:15am. Please join us at the throne for this family. While praying for them this song played "I will praise you in this storm" and I am just reminded that God is who He is. He holds Andrew in His hands.
Update 3/30
Andrew has a major surgery in the morning on his leg, they are doing a skin and bone graft from what I understood. This will tell them alot about the outcome on the leg. Kathy said the surgery will last 5 hours. PLEASE pray that God would heal his leg. I do not know if I mentioned this before, but Andrew is a huge basketball player, a really, really good one to. Kathy did say that they took out the breathing tube and he ate a popsicle! So that seems encouraging! Please pray for peace for Kathy as she has to watch her son go through all of this. As mothers we know that when our children hurt, we hurt even worse.
Also, the night of the accident, Kathy was on her way to the hospital to visit a friend because her children were involved in a horrible accident. The driver/daughter of the car was killed, and the other daughter is still in serious condition from a brain injury. This family had a daughter killed a few years ago in a car accident. Horrible. So while Kathy was on the way to this, she got the call about her own son. Please also lift this family up in your prayers.
I will keep posting updates on Andrew to this post, so please continue to check back.
Well we have some encouraging news, the doctors have been able to stabilize Andrew's left leg. They did however find what they had suspected. All of Andrew's muscles and nerves were destroyed. They were able to get a pulse in the foot, but are not sure he will have use of it. Kathy says the main worry at the moment is infection. Andrew has no casing on his leg, so he just has an open hole, if you will. The plan is to do more work I believe Saturday and then on Tuesday they will go back in to surgery and take stomach muscle for a graft and hope that takes. If it does it would seem to suggest the leg will be saved. The doctors have been bringing him in and out of the drug coma and he is able to respond to their questions, so this is very good news as well. Kathy is very tired, but very optimistic! Keep the prayers and positive energy coming, it is going to be a very long road for them.
3-26 I have talked about my friend Kathy many times. I am asking you to please, PLEASE lift her son up in prayer. His name is Andrew. He is 16 and was in a terrible car accident last night. He had to be airlifted to the hospital. He made it through the night and things are looking better than last night, but he is still in very serious condition. He had a brain bleed, and they are very worried he could lose his leg, among many other breaks he has. He is going back in for surgery on the leg in the morning at 8am.
Things like this, so sudden, it just makes you want to hold on to your kids a little tighter. We just never, ever know. We trust that God is holding on to Andrew, and holding Kathy up. Please, pray that Andrew is healed, that he can be home w/ all those sisters soon. We know very well that sisters NEED their brother! I tell Kathy all the time, he is the king in a housefull of princess'!