Q: What is your name/nicknames
Mavery Jin Song/Jin Song Laxton
Q: What do you like about your age?
I want to be 60 and be alot of old. Like Daddy, he is alot of old.
Q: Why do you like to be a girl in this family?
Because I don't want to be a boy.
Q:What do you like about our family?
I like my family. And Jesus.
Q: Do you wish you had another brother or sister?
Yes I do. Why? Because I want a little teeny baby like Bria. We should get a baby from China, far away where Shane is. I want to see Shane.
Q: What was your favorite vacation?
I liked the roller coaster when we had so fun and I screamed!And seeing Cinderella and Snow White and Belle with Grammy and the princess were in the castle and Bell is my favorite.
Q: What is your favorite bible story?
That the Wicked Witch Poisoned Snow White. That is not the Bible!
Q: Why do you love Jesus?
Because he made everything, and God made Jesus.
Q: What is something your mom always says to you?
Clean your room, and I do.
Q: What makes your mom happy?
If you draw her a special picture. And listen to her.
Q: What makes your mom sad?
If we don't draw her a picture.
Q: What does your mom dream about?
I don't know. Princesses? And money. hehe. And wicked witches, if she is wearing her snow white dress. (I do not wear a snow white dress, in case you were curious!)
Q: How does your mom serve others?
She gives food and shares.
Q: How does your mom make you laugh?
If you say pants on the ground, hehehe, that is funny!
Q: How old is your mom?
I don't know, ummm Daddy is 69. Hehehe!
Q: How tall is your mom?
Tall like Grammy, moms aren't very tall, just tall, daddies are very tall. Jesus and God are the tallest.
Q: What is her favorite thing to do?
She likes to color and give candy.
Q: What does your mom do when you’re not around?
Toot? hahahahaha.
Q: What is your mom good at?
Writing names. Writing 4s. No that is Me, I am good at writing 4s.
Q: What does your mom do for a job?
To clean the dishes. And to spank people. (for the record we barely spank here!)
Q: What is your mom’s favorite food?
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Kailin and Dora and boots
Q: What do you and your mom do together?
We read books.
Q: How are you and your mom the same?
Our chestes are the same? (Ummmm)
Q: How are you and your mom different?
We don't have matching hair and you are tall so we look different.
Q: How do you know your mom loves you?
Q: What does your mom like most about your dad?
Q: Where is your mom’s favorite place to go?
Chick Filet and McDonalds to get ice cream. I think McDonalds is YOUR favorite place to go!
Q: If you could have any job in the world, what would you do?
I want to put a baby in my belly.
Q: If you could be a superhero, what would your superpower be?
I would have a blankie on my back and fly in the air like superman.
Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
To McDonalds then DisneyWorld. Where are we going????
Q: If you could build anything, what would you like to build?
a giant robot!
Q: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you want?
A dog and a cat and a giraffe.
Q: If you could look like someone else, who would it be?
Makenna And look like Mommy. And have ladybug pajamas.
Q: If you had plenty of money, what would you buy?
Candy cane and tootsie rolls and a stuffed animal.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do in school?
Color pictures for mommy and then you throw them away. You are throwing ALL our pictures away! I did not! Yes you are and that is not nice!
Q: Have you ever sneaked a peek at presents that were hidden from you?
Q: What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone?
Draw a picture of mommy.
Q: What is your favorite vegetable?
Salad and corn and carrots and salad and mashed potatoes and corn flakes and cookies and bear.
Q: What is your favorite season of the year?
I like all the things.
Q: What is your favorite Bible verse?
I don't know.