Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

No pictures from our day, so I had to share this one I found of Malaine when she was 2.  CUTE!
Such a fun day today.  Started with chocolate chai for me and hot chocolate for the kids, a special treat! Little girls had their school party, then we all went to our friends for a home school party.  Can I just say, when you have 5 kids, it is not all that often you get invited to other peoples houses. ;-) LOVE it when we do. Especially love it when their house feels as crazy as ours so we can really relax! hehe!  We had 4 families, 16 kids. 10 of them belong to 2 of us. OH and for the record, FOURTEEN of those are GIRLS.  THANK the Lord there is one boy in that mix that is Sawyers buddy!  I should add that the host, my friend,  is honestly THE most laid back person I know.  I love her. And I love her house and backyard full of woods that kept my children happy and muddy today! They will never forget the year they literally got themselves stuck in the mud screaming for us to call 911, while we moms did what all good home school moms would do.  Ignored them and figured it had to be some sort of school lesson as they worked together to get out! A bit of science, a bit of math, geography?
I hope your day was full of love, and maybe a bit of muddy adventures!

1 comment:

Makenna said...

just so u know only 2 of us got stuck in the mud! and it was me, Makenna and Brooke Oswald! and if u think yelling "CALL 911!" is dramatic then u have not heard dramatic! Cause i can be WAY more dramatic than that!!!!!