The snow falls to the ground
People cheerful all around
Putting up the Christmas tree
Everyone is filled with glee
You put up your Christmas lights
Then Santa comes that night
The smell of Christmas cookies in the air
A time when people always care
God's son came to earth that day
Even though his bed was hay
So remember on Christmas it's about someone
It is about God's son
Makenna did a beautiful job capturing the true meaning of Christmas! Hey, theres your Christmas letter or should i say poem.
It's a very meaningful poem you wrote. I am glad to know that deep inside of your heart, you know WHY we celebrate Christmas... "It is about God's son - Jesus Christ!"
Without Him, our lives are meaningless.
Thanks for the reminder...
Aren't you glad that we have Christ for Christmas? I am!!!!
What a sweet poem, it really made me think. I loved it/
That was great Makenna! I am definitely reading that to Jaylyn tomorrow at our Christmas story time! You know she loves her Makenna!
Very good, very talented.
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