Sunday, April 27, 2008

More Sales for Mavery

I am so sad I did not get pictures of our yard sale on Saturday! I think after the first sale, this one was just not nearly as anticipated on any one's part. We spent the week moving things from our house to Mark's parents, who live in the subdivision w/ the subdivision sale. Funny thing, EVERYONE that helped w/ our first sale, was BUSY this weekend! I can't imagine WHY that would be! ;-) Only the few and faithful remained. hehe! My parents and my dear aunt of course were at the house on Friday to help. And were back at the house by 6am to set up. Which if you know my mother or my aunt, you know this is still considered middle of the night for them! We did manage to get Ms Jenny back for awhile, even after she had been in Chicago all week. And Megan came and helped with whiny children! Yard sale Queen DID offer to help me and came by to check on us, but after having walmart in my own yard this month, Sale #2 seemed like nothing to be honest! We made this time under $400, which does not sound like much after what we made before. BUT it helps. Every dollar helps. Surprisingly, we did not have nearly the people as we did at sale #1, and people were not quite as "generous"! ;-) I guess when you are up against competition in the neighborhood, that is what happens. I did no advertising and our main focus on this sale was, GET RID OF STUFF! We have not parked in our garage all month. And you know what, the stuff is GONE! A truck came after the sale and took it all for a rummage sale a church is hosting. So we felt like we were able to donate it to somewhere that was needed. We did keep back a pile of things to sell on ebay and craigslist, but it is a small pile, a manageable pile! (but a decent money pile, anyone looking for a brand new pair of cole haan boots or a baby bjorn?) All in all a good day for more reasons than one. And while the sales were a ton of work, they were definitely worth it for the cash we made.
We can't wait for today, Diving for Donations for Mavery at the Y! I will take my camera, I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More and more praises!!!

This may be a dumb question, but how long does it normally take for a I-171? I know it is hard to wait no matter how long it takes, but 76 days seems ridiculous!!
