- She has the best voice ever. It is SO deep and gravely and it makes me laugh listening to it come from this tiny little body.
- Gets nervous about some things such as riding in the big van but then is not afraid to hang off of the canopy bed or go headfirst down the steps on her belly or dive in 10 feet of water. (or to be honest, to dive in the bathtub off of the sink next to it, oh you can't take your eyes off her for a second!)
- Loves to sing and sings LOUD.
- Does not know a stranger and does not have one shy bone in her body. She just expects that everyone likes her. She is very sure of herself for sure!
- When we get to church she runs in her class and says "I'm Here" as if they were all holding up class waiting for her before they could even think to begin!
- Her favorite word is butt, though she knows she is not supposed to use that. So what she says is "Mom, I hurt my bootie, NOT my butt, ok Mom, not my butt" What do you do with that?
- She is also very artsy. Just ask her sunday school teacher what she enjoys making during play-do time. Poop, she made poop. Sigh...
- She LOVES lipstick. She puts it on thick and often.
- She is ALMOST potty trained. Funny thing is she did things backwards and NEVER poo's in her pants, but the other is random. I thought Mavery might teach her, but nope, has not helped much.
- Her favorite show is now Go Diego Go and that is about the only one she will watch. She loves animal books and tells me all of the animals that are on Diego.
- She eats so much better of of ANYONE elses plate or drinks from their cup better than her own. She just waits till everyone leaves the table and then roams it to finish her dinner.
Sage is just full of JOY and life and makes our lives richer because she is ours. As I sat and rocked her tonight (which is rare, she is not a huggy girl, much to busy for that!) I savored those moments of just snuggling and singing and praising Jesus that she is mine. I can not imagine my life with out her. 3 years ago she was born in China, 9 months later she was in my arms forever. Of course I think of her birth mother today, and those 9 months I missed, but it is not with tears as it sometimes is. It is with a thankful heart and simply a look back at how far she has come since I have held her. My Sage, our 4 thchild, the beginning of a chapter in our lives called adoption. The reason we were once again in China last month, all because we fell in love with Sage. A little girl handpicked by God to be our daughter. I will forever be thankful.
Happy 3rd Birthday Spicy Girl!
PS. Shannon, of course we hold Sunday School class up just for Sage! It just isn't the same without her, lol!
Oh, how we love Sagey! Happy Birthday Spicy Girl!
Oh Happy Birthday Sweet Thing! Tracy
Happy Birthday, Sage! Evie loved your phone call--she now picks up her 'phone' and calls you regularly :)
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