
Visions of Sugarplums
Christmas Eve is always a special day for us. Ever since I was a little girl, it has been just as special as Christmas Day. That day the kids always get to open a present, which is always the same thing, a new pair of
jammies. We started this when
Makenna was born and they all enjoy seeing what they get for this year.
We always enjoy, ok we always endure the Christmas Eve Candlelight service at church. This is another tradition that has happened for me since I can remember. Mark has threatened many times that he is skipping this year as we take all the children in with us. We are Baptist, so we are not used to taking our children into service. We have an amazing nursery that is provided for us free of charge. Which means we sit in church while the kids enjoy a lesson on their scale in nursery. But on Christmas Eve, no nursery. Not that I expect anyone to watch my children for this night, but it makes for a very long service as we are trying to keep lots of hands from grabbing at the communion or catching themselves on fire during the candlelight service. Though I have to say this year the kids were probably the best behaved that they have ever been. We only had a small incident of Sage sneezing EVERYWHERE, mainly ON Makenna, during the Childrens story in front of the church. hehe! That and the fact that Sage does not get what whisper means so there were a few times she spoke out, LOUDLY. I always feel sorry for those around us, but they were all very kind afterwards!
After church we head to our house to celebrate with my side of the family. This year the kids attempted to act out the nativity while Uncle Ray read from the bible. We always enjoy singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and we even pulled out the fancy China candle in His honor this year!
My brother was also born on Christmas Eve, though he let the singing all go to Jesus instead of him! He turned 30! We were very excited that Esther was able to spend the week here with him this year. And for those of you who have asked, no ring. I know, bummer. Hey Valentines Day is not to far away, so maybe.. He is so going to kill me if he reads this. Which I doubt he does.
We always let the kids sleep in our room on Christmas Eve. We started this a few years ago, really because we wanted to see them see the presents under the tree. Our house is a split ranch so they have to get from their bedrooms through the living room to our room. They think sleeping in our room is a great thing and look forward to it all year. Sage did not join in the fun, because Sage likes her bed. And still sleeps in her tent so she only gets out when we get her out. Mavery is still in our room. If we add any more kids, it is going to start getting crowded on our floor!
I am bummed that we did not get pictures of my Aunt Judy Uncle Ray and my cousin Dawn in group pictures. They were able to come in from out of town which we were all excited about. They missed picture time, but the kids did get in the cousins shots, so they were here!
More Christmas coming soon.