Christmas Morning we have a tradition of having the grandparents over for brunch so that they to can enjoy the chaos of our house. Along w/ the fact that it gives us lots of extra hands to put gifts together. It is a nice relaxing way to spend the morning. (Did I just use the word relaxing? YEAH RIGHT, what is that?!)
2 Favorite gifts here were the Coaster Cars and the Roller Coaster. I had heard of the cars on my adoption board, they were having a deal on I had never heard of them before, but the reviews on the board were so great I had 2 shipped our way. Now I wish we had bought 3. I am not sure who is having more fun, us or the kids!
The roller coaster is lots of fun for the little ones as you can see and while we could use 2, 1 is good enough and helps us learn all about sharing and taking turns. The older kids are holding out hope for the Extreme Coaster next year. Doubtful. I often whine that we need to finish our basement but it sure is nice for the kids to make their own amusement park down there with no worries of destroying anything!
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