All Sage wanted for Christmas was a BIG candycane and pink boots. Yeah Santa!
Oh the girls have wanted this wheelchair for years, they love to play doctor with their dolls. That is the look of, "Makenna, the WHEELCHAIR!"
Loving the hair!
Christmas morning was lots of fun around here as you can imagine. Yes, we believe in Santa, and yes, Santa goes overboard for sure. Santa needs a new love language besides gifts! ;0) I know that many do not "do" Santa but I would not miss the magic of Santa for any amount of money. Watching my childrens faces as they run to the plate of cookies to see if he ate them all, watching them open things and the joy in their eyes that Santa knew just what they wanted, even the night before when they are just sure they hear him outside, priceless to me. Someone said I get very excited about Santa, and I do(sorry if it is bad to some!)! My parents made Christmas so magical for me. The fact that they put so much effort into making it fun and surprising, I want to do that for my kids. Some say they want their kids to thank them for the gifts. If your love language is gifts, (as is mine)you could care less about thanks. You just love to give and love to see people get, you don't really need thanks. So that is not an issue to me either. Is it lying to our children? I don't think so. I think it is part of fairytales and make believe. The fun of being little and all that goes along with childhood. It is so short, they are growing up so fast. I will keep it magical and fun as long as I am possibly able. And as far as taking away from Jesus, if you know us, you know that is not true. We celebrate Jesus in many many ways, every single day. And unless we are getting rid of gifts all together, then it is silly to say Santa takes away from Jesus because gifts are gifts to kids no matter where they come from. What a blessing that we can combine Jesus birthday party with gifts for EVERYONE! All that said, if you don't "do" santa, fine by me, but please don't let your kids ruin it for mine! ;0)
We had to wake Sage up as the other kids were not waiting till 10AM for her to open gifts! She cried when we went in and it took her awhile to get into it, but not to long once she saw those pink boots! Mavery is into presents for sure, and yes, they fight over everything and it is safest to have 2 of whatever it is. Though there are some things I refuse to buy 2 of. I do not want them both banging on keyboards at the same time for sure!
Now is the aftermath. It all looks like fun till it comes time to put it away. I know that once they are grown and just want clothes I will miss these days of toys everywhere, but right now I look around and think, WHAT WAS SANTA THINKING!?
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