Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Princess Party Birthday Bash

We sure had fun on Saturday as we celebrated our two littlest princesses. It was a Royal Ball for sure! ;-)
I think the cake turned out adorable, I had found directions online to make one but decided me attempting to make a cake and get a party ready for 100 guests was out of the question. I ordered the candles online after seeing them in many China pictures, but not able to find them while there. It was a hit and we will never forget the smoke alarm going off while we sang Happy Birthday!
We had a true princess there, which the girls enjoyed her "sparkly" face painting! I tried hard to get Esther to come and be Princess Mulan but she could not get away. The kids made a crown & candy necklaces and were all just cute in their princess costumes. My mom made Sage & Maverys dresses which were so pretty and princessy!
Makenna and Malaine were thrilled that Megan and Shannon took them to Libby Lu that morning to use their birthday gift cards. They came back with bags and bags of things as they are going out of business, just an FYI. They were all dressed up and ready to party upon their return.
Megan & her sisters helped make lots of signs and helped my mom and I in decorating, which was a huge help and I really appreciate it!
We feasted on Royal Club Sandwiches, Palace Pups(lil smokies) chips and court jesters dip, and Marvelous Mac & Cheese! Oh and we can't forget the pink princess punch. Or the chocolate dipped fortune cookies.
There are lots more pictures on my flickr account, which you can get to through Maverys blog. One of these days I am going to add a badge on this blog along with cleaning up the sidebars. One of these days...
Sage & Mavery had a ball and have had fun playing with all their new toys. It was funny while opening the MOUNTAIN of presents, Mavery was SO excited about the clothes! She would grab on to each outfit and yell MINE! I think she is enjoying all this girly girl stuff in place of the boy clothes! They were very excited to open NEW phones. You know, the china phones. How my friend has been able to find them has amazed me! And they are also enjoying playing in their Rose Petal Cottage.
Nothing we ever do is small, Mark always complains that he married into the Big Fat Greek Wedding Family with our celebrations. But hey, you only come home from china ONCE and only turn 3 with your new sister for the first time once so it was a BIG reason to celebrate in a BIG Way!
But I am glad it is over and glad we do not have any more kids birthdays in this house for a very long time! ;0)


Mom to my China Posse said...

Wow! You guys do things in a huge way. I am going to keep my kiddos off your blog or they will think Mommy is mistreating them. lol....... Glad you all had such a special day.


Amber said...

The cake was beautiful! Hope it tasted as good as it looked! :) Sorry I missed this fun day! :(

annaliese said...

the big, huge celebrations you throw always look like so much fun! what a neat party for the girls :)