Happy Birthday Makenna! Our first born. The one who is teaching me to grow as a mother daily as we figure out this parenting thing. Her foot is almost as big as mine, she is almost as tall as me, and some might say her attitude is just like mine. ;0) We love you Makenna and are so glad you are our daughter!
Soory I deleted my last comment because I thought I was posting on another blog window I had open, the comment wouldn't made since here. lol......
Happy Birthday Makenna, Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday!
We love you too, Makenna. I can't believe how much you are growing up! You are beautiful and very special. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Makenna--love from Gabby, Ian and Evie!
Happy Birthday !
Happy Birthday Makenna!! I hope you had a great day today. You are a very beautiful girl!
Hey Makenna - I thought about you several times yesterday and just didn't have a chance to call you and wish you the best birthday ever! I hope you had a wonderful day. We love you so much!
Love ya
Terry and Deb
A couple of days late, but Happy Birthday! Kepp up the good work-being 11 is a blast and it keeps your mom and dad on their toes!
Go into each day with a sense of happiness, love and joy! You have the ability to make your day anything you choose! Follow your heart, lead with your faith and jump in with your eyes wide open!
Life is good!
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