Yesterday sure was a busy historic day wasn't it? For more reason than one.
First day of school~~My kids started back to school. I do not like getting up when it is still dark outside. That is just not normal. They popped out of bed easier than me I think. They were very excited, maybe a little nervous. Drop off went well. Well besides Sage, who is comfortable no matter where we go. So while I am chatting with Sawyers teacher, Sage decides to visit each of the classrooms. And I had to drag her out of kindergarten with bribes of going to McDonalds because she " really wants to go to school". Or everyone trying to say hi to Mavery but she was in a mood, (which she often is) and so was swinging at anyone who dared come near her. This was after she had spent the ENTIRE drive to school screaming because Sage had her glove and the older 3 are looking at me with pity but excitement to get away from the madness!
Both of the children have new teachers (new since we have left) and I was excited to meet both of them. They were very welcoming and sweet. Makennas teacher is concerned about her math so Mark took them today to talk to her about it. Makenna does not like math, it is just not natural for her as it is for her father. (he is seriously like a walking calculator) She gave Mark the workbook they have been doing and Mark felt better. She is only behind what they are doing by a few lessons. (which makes sense with us going to china and maverys surgery). But they are using a different curriculum so there are some things they do differently. He has already been making up some worksheets for her to do. ;0)
Sawyer, I think will be fine. I am excited for someone else to reinforce the things I have to argue with him about. (handwriting, he claims a waste of time, when he will just use his computer someday) and spelling. He can't find an argument for that one, (& I have not mentioned spell check) but he does not like it. However, he is strong in math and is a good reader. (go figure, can't spell but reads well, odd?)
I remembered though all the reasons I am not crazy about school. I lose SO much time a day with them! And what time you do have, is not the most quality. They all come in at 4pm. You are trying to get homework done, dinner made, hear about each of their day. Then add into that evening activities (things I am not with them for, karate, awana) To get up for school my children have to be in bed BY 8pm. So I barely get 4 hours a night, and I have to fit all those things into that time. Homeschooling gives you much more time with your children, there is no doubt. BUT, I still know we are in the right place for right now and I am sure we will all settle back into routine of school quickly. Hopefully.
First time for our new president~~ I hate to admit that I had no idea yesterday was even THE day, till I was on the phone with a homeschool friend who talked about all the lessons her kids were getting from it. So I turned on in time to watch. Wished I could have been with my kids to talk about it, as they came home to inform me about "the boring movie they watched about the new President". Though they did learn plenty, so bored or not they were fine. You know, he was not my vote and I still have my concerns. However, he is my president and I will respect him. And pray hard.
First time Amy (my cousin in law)found out~~That she is having a baby girl! Since we do girls so well in this family, it was no surprise to us that she will be having her third girl! Sawyer did cry, but that partly might have been because I told him during spelling practice. I reminded him that he is not going to be best friends with a baby 9 years younger than him, but "it is the injustice of it all. ALL these girls, never a new boy. "I told him he just needed to start praying that TJ & Amy either adopt a 9 year old boy or that we do. Who knows what God has in store for this family. But we do know that a sweet new girl WILL join us in June! Very exciting. And I sure love playing the name game you know.
I have quite a few things to post, hopefully will get caught up tomorrow.
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