I am sleeping with Mavery tonight. She went to sleep and I was out. Like slobbering, dead to the world OUT. Till all of sudden everything is beeping and she is sliding OFF the bed on her belly! (by her choice, she was awake and trying) I am right next to her bed so was able to grab her quickly but I really thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest! But she looked at me and smiled so at least knows Mama is here. I guess she was going to climb out of bed and take a hospital tour! The nurse came in and rolled up some blankets around the bed to make sure we have more warning! So I went to sleep again and all of a sudden hear her and she is sitting up on her own. Thankfully just sitting looking around. But I am kind of nervous to close my eyes now! She has been laying here for a long time just sweet little voice talking to me. She keeps telling me, "go night night mama". I tell her, you go night night mavery. So she says ok and closes her eyes, then peeks to see if i am really going to sleep! Or she tells me, I am going peepee in my diaper! Sage would be so proud! hehe!
Still hoping for that window bed when we change rooms and we are getting a crib this time around!
I am loving our night nurse, she is the sweetest thing ever.
Poor sweet baby! I just want to get in there and kiss those sweet cheeks - except she'd hate that :) Just wanted to pop out of my reader and say that we've been praying for you all! Hope you get that window bed!
"Go night night mama!" Too cute. I have to wonder what she had planned after mama went night night!! She is looking FABULOUS!! God is so GOOD and has so many GOOD plans for Miss Mavery. Still Praying....
Kelly Yochum
Climbing out of bed, peeing in a diaper, Sage really has rubbed off on Mavery. Praying that all goes well today and that she continues to have a quick recovery.
Shannon- you are doing such a wonderful job keeping up the blog and informing everyone. I bet you are totally exhausted, hang in there, Mavery is a few steps from coming home.
I am amazed at how good she looks and how smooth her recovery seems to be. I give credit to God, the amazing staff at the hospital and of course Mark and you. Shannon, all the children in the world need a dedicated, loving mother like you. The love and strength that you have shown Mavery is a true example of how she was meant to be yours.
ps. I need blog help. I was going to start blogging and posting again, however the blog itself looks like a hot mess.
Mavery looks great! Oh my goodness...I would have had heart failure too when she was climbing out of bed. Thank God you caught her in time. Keep hanging in there...you are almost home!
sounds like everything is going good! I am still amazed at how active she is already. We're still praying for you. Ask about some benadryl for the itching....when I had my stiches, I about went bonkers with the itching...benadryl really helps!
sounds like everything is going good! I am still amazed at how active she is already. We're still praying for you. Ask about some benadryl for the itching....when I had my stiches, I about went bonkers with the itching...benadryl really helps!
sounds like everything is going good! I am still amazed at how active she is already. We're still praying for you. Ask about some benadryl for the itching....when I had my stiches, I about went bonkers with the itching...benadryl really helps!
sounds like everything is going good! I am still amazed at how active she is already. We're still praying for you. Ask about some benadryl for the itching....when I had my stiches, I about went bonkers with the itching...benadryl really helps!
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