Checking out her bracelet that we were told she can NOT lose and HAS to have tomorrow or we are in trouble! ;-) She is AB+ blood, thought that was interesting.
Showing the nurse ALL her owies and believe me, she thinks she has a ton! Especially as the nurse was giving her a bandaide for EVERY owie!
Watching that needle closely, the smile faded very fast.
Getting a bath tonight with special stinky soap! She smells like the hospital already!
Clean that booty!
Cute Sweet Jammies from Amber, thanks!
You are a dream come true Mavery Raye!
She has just recently attached herself to these bears, we must kiss them goodnight!
I may break this into a few posts, but wanted to give you a recap of our day.
- We have snow, for the first time this year. So we slid our way to the hospital but arrived safely.
- Mavery did REALLY well for all her appointments. Lifted her shirt as soon as a doctor came near. They did not do an echo, just a chest xray and she was so funny for it she SMILED at the camera! :-)
- Talked with the surgeon who walked us through what he would be doing. Which is basically he is not sure all they will be doing. He said he is not sure her original diagnosis of TOF is correct. Interesting. Not that it matters. We know they will repair the aneurysm and fix the left artery. Not with a valve though. Long story and I am to tired to get technical. They will also be looking at the right artery because he thinks it is questionable.
- She will be on heart/lung bypass machine.
- But they should not have to make her heart stop beating. Glad to know that.
- She will have a breathing tube that could come out in recovery, or could be there a a few days.
- The surgery will last 5 hours. 1 hour to get her to sleep, one hour to cut through the chest. Sigh.
- Our last stop was in anaesthesia. They said they had heard rumors of her and that she might need an extra cocktail tomorrow! ;0)
- They are describing all the lines that will be coming out of her afterwards and I asked them how in the world we were going to keep her from pulling them out! They said they will restrain her if they have to. I already pity any other families that are sleeping near us. Mavery will scream in her carseat when she does not get her way, the ENTIRE car ride of not matter where we are going. She is going to be TICKED off when she wakes up.
- We asked if this surgery will be it. He said most likely in her 20s she will need a valve replacement. Possibly sooner but he is hopeful not. Said a cath is more likely.
- We asked what her restrictions will be once home next week and he said don't let her fall on her chest. Oh is that all? Because that is so easy to do w/ a 3 year old who falls down ALOT because she climbs and flips and dives and is crazy! I think I will be thankful if she is back to being clingy to me.
- They were telling us about the morning and said oh you get the late start. Which had me all giddy because you know I don't like early. So then she hands me the paper with 6:45 written on it. I said this is the late shift? She laughed and said yes, typically it would be at least an hour earlier! So because of the weather we are leaving our house about 5:30.
- They asked if we had any questions at every stop. (We stopped often with various people) How do your voice the questions that are really strangling your own heart?
- Ride home was rough, roads were worse. And the snow is still coming down. I can't believe that we have had NO snow and NOW it is here!
A few more thoughts, hope to get them done tonight.
Shannon my sister,
My heart is breaking for all you are feeling..I wish I could take some of it away for you. But I know that our KING will be with you and holding you and giving you His peace. Mavery looks so happy and has not a clue really of what is in store for her tomorrow. The doctor through the divine help of our King will heal her heart so that she will have many many many more days with you and Mark and the whole family.
I will be on my knees tomorrow for most of the day in prayer for you all. The times I will be on my feet (as 3 kids will require) my heart and prayers will still be poured out for Mavery, the surgeons, the nursing staff and all of you. I have everyone at our church praying for you tomorrow as well. Know that the prayer warriors our slamming the gates of paradise on your behalf.
Peace my friend peace.
Oh Shannon I can't imagine the fear you must be holding in your heart tonight. I will be praying for sweet Mavery tomorrow.
Of all times to be getting hit with a storm. Please drive carefully!
I'm praying for you tonight and will continue to pray first thing tomorrow morning. You are blessed to have Mavery and she is blessed to have you! God WILL take care of her. Be careful driving to the hospital and let us know how she is doing as soon as you can.
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