Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Mavery is MAD

And mommy ain't to happy either to tell you the truth. Who comes up with these drugs that they give to children? Obviously not moms who have to deal with the children afterwards. Ugh... We got Mavery to sleep last night pretty early by finally laying her in her crib and letting her cry. I felt we were back at the beginning of our time with her. Holding her just made her mad, rocking her, she would have nothing to do w/ that and obviously she had to sleep. and when she finally went she was OUT. But about 3am she started getting restless and it was over. We tried bringing her in our bed. 32 pounds of maniac Mavery did not work. Mark got up with her for awhile and I heard lots of screaming going on then she was back in our room in her bed. He said she screams no matter what you do. So we lay in bed praying she might fall back to sleep with no luck. I got up with her and I now see why he stuck her back in her bed. She still can't walk steady though at least she can now sit up but is wobbly. But basically you look at her and she is mad. She threw a book at me, she thew the magna doodle at me, no matter what I do she screams. She kept saying she wanted something over and over and I finally figured out it is skittles. Which is an odd thing to ask for, she has not had them much. But hey, she is now sitting here next to me eating skittles and is calm and quiet. They told me the drugs should wear off today but she might still act drunk most of the day. I think it is going to be a long day. I know she is tired, her eyes look terrible. I am tired. Hopefully we can get her to sleep at some point and I will join her. Very thankful that our parents have the kids and hoping that Sage slept for my mom last night. Got to go, skittles are running low.....


Mom to my China Posse said...

You know its her fighting attitude that has helped her get to this point so just embrace Mavery's spunk and rest when she does.
When Andrew was little he had to be sedated for a procedure and I remember he was loopy and upset for the first day as well. Its hard to watch as a parent but it to soon passes.........just not soon enough for us. Hope you guys have a better day. Praying for you.

annaliese said...

oof. rough going. poor little gal, poor mommy. praying you are able to get some rest.