He is not into sports, the boy does not have a competitive bone in his body. He will happily watch sports and enjoys keeping track of points and plays, but to play himself, not interested. Which is fine with me.
He has such a tender heart and can't stand for anyone to be sad or hurt. The thought of his baby sister in the hospital is not good for him. He has said he will not come visit her because he does not want to see her like that. He about passes out when anyone gets a papercut, so he will see Mavery upon her homecoming!
He is typically the one to jump in when a sister is crying to make her stop. He adores his older sister (I wish she could realize this). He has a very special and close bond with Malaine, those 2 can play together for hours and they have missed each other since she went to school! And I love seeing him play with the little ones. So sweet and I know they will always think their big brother is the best!
He has the best sense of humor and always makes us laugh. He is just naturally funny, with out even meaning to be. You can't get mad at him, you typically end up giggling when you try to get on him.
I know that someday he is going to make an amazing husband and father. But for now I am thankful to have him as my son, my only boy. The one who still holds my hand when we are out in public and lets me hug on him without flinching. The one who is WAY better at anything electronic in this house than I am. Thankful for my boy!
**The above photos were taken from Makennas camera. He let her do a "photoshoot". So funny!
Boys are special indeed! Kathy
Great photos Makenna! What a sweet, handsome boy!!! Nicolas would love to come over and play video games anytime...he loves them too! :)
The pictures are great. I agree there is nothing like a momma and her boy. We are lucky mothers to have older sons to watch out for the little girls.
I love Saw-Saw too!!!! :)
He is such a sweetheart!!!!
Oh, Sawyer. How you put up with all these girls, I will never know. God has made you one special guy. Since I am having yet another girl, can I just count you as mine too?? :)Love ya!
Sawyer~My favorite little boy!!! I love you so much and I know that sometimes you don't want to believe that but it is very true!!! You hold a special place in my heart and I will forever be picked on by you but thats alright!! I love you Sawyer!
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