Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Follow Me!

Since I am trying to figure out how to do all this blog stuff, I am messing around with adding the followers list. Want to follow me? Now, to tell the truth, I have no idea what this does for you besides get your picture on my sidebar. If you have a picture, I am noticing that some do not! I am assuming that if you join, it will give you updates. I joined a friends blog and so I will see what happens! Besides me getting a cute picture under followers. hehe! ;0) (it is not ME in the picture, so don't be thinking I am calling myself cute or anything like that!) I might add twitter, which looks like fun, and thought might be especially nice for the hospital stay. One step at a time, takes me a long time to figure these things out. But it is naptime, my favorite time of the day. And I feel like being computer productive. Or in other words lazy and want to sit in my recliner with my laptop. So, hope you will join us as we are always growing here in one way or another!


Amy said...

All right, all right, I got a photo. I like to procrastinate, remember? :)

Doublebanker said...

The follower list is useful for friends of friends to find your blog. Nice Blog.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a follower as I really do already follow..LOL I am glad and thankful that Mavery is doing much better today....


PS I don't have a pic yet....

Amber said...

Hey! I like Amy's photo! :)

my3 kids said...

I'll be a follower too as I have visited a few times before and enjoy checking in. Your family is beautiful and I am so happy that Mavery is having a better day. She is such a sweetie. Thanks for sharing your family with us:)


Luke Holzmann said...

For me, Following is mostly a "stroke my ego" kind of thing [smile]. Since I use Google Reader to read blogs, Following is redundant--but it sure is cool to see how many people are reading your blog!


Shannon said...

So Luke, let me get this right. Following does nothing for followers? You lost me on the google reader part. Obviously I don't use that. I thought, if you follow, it gives the follower updates? So basically if I don't get a big list of followers I am going to look uncool and my ego will be shot? Devastating. ;-) I am totally kidding you. Does it frighten you that I homeschool my children? hehe!

Our House of Five said...

Okay, I'll bite. I don't want you to look like a looser. You already have more facebook friends than me I guess now I am the looser! Tracy